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Seminario Europeo Utilizzatori CDR Bosch - 5° Edizione

Seminario Europeo Utilizzatori CDR - Edizione 2018

I prossimi 15 e 16 giugno 2018 si terrà a Rüsselsheim (Germania) la 5° edizione del seminario europeo dedicato all'utilizzo del CDR Bosch. Saranno presenti relatori di eccezione provenienti dal territorio europeo ed americano. Scopri di più!

Data 15 Giugno 2018 ore 9:00 - 16 Giugno 2018 ore 16:00
​Hotel Höll am Main, DE-65428 Rüsselsheim, Germany
Sito Web IBB Europa


Di seguito il programma dell'evento.

15 Giugno 2018

Ore 9:00
Welcome and Introduction
Dr.-Ing. Heinz Burg, IbB Engineering GmbH

What has happened since Summit 2017
Dr. Heinz Burg, IbB Engineering
​Ore 9:20

​1. Current and Proposed Autonomous Vehicle Event Recording Regulations in the US
2. SAE Recommended Practice Update on Automated Driving Systems (ADS) EDRs and ADS Data Loggers

Don Floyd, General Motors, USA
Ore 10:20The Hydrogen Toyota Mirai
Geert Fagniart, Toyota Europe
​Ore 11:00
​Coffee Break
​Ore 11:30Elektro-Mobilität und Datenauslesung
Jürgen Peitz, Adam Opel AG
​Ore 12:10Current Status of CDR and Outlook for the following Year
Bill Rose, BOSCH USA
​Ore 12:30​Pranzo
​Ore 13:30​Appropriate behavior of experts in court / Information for the services of the BERLA company / How the presenter creates successfull accident reconstruction reports.
Wesley Vandiver, USA
​Ore 15:30​Coffee Break
​Ore 16:15​EDR-Daten in der Praxis – Betrugsaufklärung und Schadenregulierung unter Verwendung von fahrzeuginternen Daten
Stefan Liechti, AXA Winterthur
​Ore 17:00​Fine Lavori
​Ore 18:00​Cena di Gala

16 Giugno 2018

Ore 9:00
IbB - Proposals for CDR Reports, Design, Contents
Dirk Christiaens and Dr. Heinz Burg, IbB-Engineering GmbH

​Ore 9:20

​Auslesungen von Daten, die nicht vom Hersteller freigegeben sind und Anforderungen an Sachverständige für die Auslesung von elektronischen Daten.
Gundolf Beckmann, Lawyer, Germany
Ore 10:00Zukünftige Anforderungen an Daten aus dem Fahrzeug / Datenmodell nach AHEAD / Berufsbild Straßen-Sachverständiger nach VDI Richtlinie.
Dürnberger und Kreutner, Allianz Zentrum für Technik, AZT, Germany

​Ore 10:45
​Coffee Break
​Ore 11:15Example for an accident reconstruction report / Case of Belgium
Dirk Christiaens, Accident Reconstructionist and CDR Expert, Belgium
​Ore 12:00Example for an accident reconstruction report / Case of Germany
Dr. Heinz Burg, Accident Reconstructionist and CDR Expert, Germany
​Ore 12:15​Tavola Rotonda
​Ore 13:00Pranzo
​Ore 14:00Proposal for a system for insurance fraud detection in any country. Possible ways of insurance fraud detection.
Dr.-Ing. Slawomir Olszowski, Radom, Poland
​Ore 14:45Case Collection by IbB Engineering GmbH and
Cooperation with Unfallforschung Dresden (VUFO)

Dr.-Ing. Heinz Burg, IbB Engineering GmbH, Germany
​Ore 15:15​Tavola Rotonda Conclusiva e Programma per l'edizione 2019
​Ore 16:00​Termine Conferenza
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